Sunday, July 15, 2012

What is imagery?

Have I written "more imagery" on your essay?
If so, this means that your essay lacks detail, and therefore is vague and a little bland. Spice it up by adding more imagery, or words that refer to the senses. Imagery instantly brings your writing to life!

What are the 5 types of imagery?
  1. sight words = red, tall, long, empty
  2. sound words = bang, squeal, shriek
  3. feeling words = soft, rough, smooth
  4. scent words = odor, aroma, tropical
  5. taste words = sweet, sour, bland

Examples of Imagery in Action
Watch how imagery can bring a boring sentence to life.

  •  Without imagery: When I got home late, I could tell mom was angry.
  • With imagery: When I pushed open the creaky old door, I was instantly greeted with the sight of hardened red lines on my mother's face. I could hear her heavy sigh from all the way across the dimly lit kitchen; the long hands of the antique wall clock behind her tilted head rested on the black number 12. 

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