Sunday, July 15, 2012

What is a Comma Splice?

A comma splice is the most common comma error in grammar. This error occurs when you the writer attempts to combine two complete sentences with a comma and no conjunction. A fused sentence occurs when you try to fix the mistake by simply taking out the comma. This is also an error.

Try practicing identifying comma splices and fused sentences with the following handout from Then check your answers below.

Directions: Each sentence below contains three underlined parts, one of which is either a comma splice or fused sentence. You need to find and fix the problem.
  1. Hoping to relax after a busy week at work and school, Cheryl smoothed on some sunscreen, settled onto her pool raft, and opened her new Stephen King novel, then her neighbor cranked up the lawnmower, ruining the quiet.
  2. Derek wanted a ferocious pit bull terrier to scare off burglars, but his apartment complex did not allow dogs as a result, Derek had to settle for naming his goldfish Mr. Jaws and installing additional door locks.
  3. Sylvia carefully ironed her one good suit to wear to the bank interview the next day all the while, Buster, her hairy white cat, waited for her to lay the dark gray skirt on the bed so that he would have a warm spot to nap.
  4. Chet decided to get a huge Chinese dragon tattooed across his shoulder blades once the stabbing needle pierced his skin, however, Chet quickly changed his mind, opting to pierce an ear instead. 

    1. novel,then is a splice  2.  dogs as is a fused sentence 3. day all is a fused sentence 4. blades once is a fused sentence

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